
Blueprint For Leadership How To Be A Better Leader

 If you were to build a house, you would begin with a blueprint. This blueprint proves useful because it contains more than directions on how to build a house. It also describes the finished house.

So, what does this have to do with leadership?

Last month I asked an audience of leaders to tell me the characteristics of an ideal leader. Their answers were (in the order collected):

A good listener, enthusiasm, passion, shows appreciation, a visionary, role model, trusting, integrity, organized, knowledgeable, credibility, persuasive, charisma, team building, clarity of purpose, problem solver, attitude of service, leads by example, patience, willing to act without complete knowledge, understands followers, consistent, empowers other people, and adapts to change. 

I’ll add that this is essentially the same list that I receive from other audiences when I ask this question. From this comes some useful insights.

1) Notice what the list contains. All of these characteristics relate to the human side of leadership. That’s interesting because I often hear people minimize this side of leadership with terms like “soft” or “touchy feely.” Actually, applying these characteristics requires more strength than not.

2) Notice what the list excludes. Absent from this list (and all lists from other programs) are characteristics such as stern, mean, serious, short tempered, vindictive, tough, angry, harsh, punitive, controlling, violent, or ruthless. And that’s interesting because many popular representations of leadership emphasize at least one of these “hard” characteristics. In fact, these characteristics are the refuge of those who lack the strength (or the skills) to apply the human side of leadership.

3) How about you? How would you rate yourself as a leader compared to the list of positive characteristics? If you were to survey the people who report to you, how would they describe your leadership? Would they list characteristics from the “soft” list or from the “hard” list? Could you become more effective by improving upon any of the “soft” characteristics? And how about the other leaders in your organization? Do they truly maximize human potential?

People want leaders who treat them with genuine compassion, courtesy, and respect. They want leaders who help them become more successful. They want leaders who inspire them with a vision for a better world and show them how to go there.

Mastermind Team Do You Have One

The way to life is to be around individuals who will enable you to arrive at a higher level throughout everyday life! To surpass your current reach, you should associate with individuals who will help you stretch somewhat farther. The key to a useful genius group is for you to encircle yourself with individuals who you can generally gain from. An indication of an exceptionally shrewd individual is to be sufficiently brilliant to understand that you need to gain from other people who can add to your WHY throughout everyday life. 

As you probably are aware, my definitive result is to foster the #1 individual self-advancement organization on the planet. Every single day I endeavor to submerge myself in material and individuals who will empower me to accomplish our corporate mission. 

As you take a gander at your own basic purpose for existing, you need to ask yourself a legitimate/clear inquiry … ."Is my self-improvement motor in Forward, Nonpartisan or Converse?" The appropriate response is basic. That you should simply to record the main 10 individuals you consistently partner with. As you audit the rundown, understand that you will end up being an accurate copy of those 10 individuals — monetarily, profoundly, genuinely and mentally. Indeed, be straightforward with yourself. In the event that you are not 110% glad about what you see yourself getting because of your current connections, you need to make a move right away! Settle on a choice to foster a genius Group! Lamentably, 95% of individuals won't ever make the move required to turn out to be essential for a brains group. They will keep on carrying on with their daily routines and can't help thinking about WHAT Befell their LIVES and the perfect entirety. You need to quit crying and start chipping away at yourself to turn out to be important for a Genius Group! 

I'm glad to say that every single day I partner with individuals who are either at my degree of energy, fervor and insight or much more so than I'm, which is the way in to a by and by useful driving force group. You should be a piece of a gathering of individuals who make you need to surpass your current reach. Be straightforward with yourself and realize that you need to change your relationship to accomplish your inherent dreams! You will be stunned by the outcomes. Your life will Take off like a Falcon to unimaginable lengths in the event that you change your affiliations!

Train Your Leadership Realize Your Full Potential

 I have been intrigued over the course of the years by the discussion, exploration and conversation about initiative and the board. Progressively there is by all accounts an emphasis on the contrasts among authority and the executives and I can't help suspecting that this has created partially in light of deficiencies in either. The majority of us might want to become, or to consider ourselves, solid pioneers. There is an engaging thing about making and seeking after a dream and impacting others to help the vital changes. Adequately genuine, if not for great initiative, nothing would change or improve. Initiative preparing assists you with opening your maximum capacity and understand your aspirations in the business world. Initiative is immovably at the center of each fruitful association, and the viable administration of individuals is a gigantically significant expertise that is consistently sought after. 

Open learning permits you to acquire initiative preparing without the disturbance of customary investigation. With open learning you can concentrate voluntarily and at your own speed, traveling through the instructional class at whatever rate suits you best. This implies that you can without much of a stretch fit your course around your present life responsibilities, regardless of whether you have family obligations, an everyday work or some other limitations on your time. You could even procure an esteemed business degree through open learning, and open up a totally different scope of vocation openings for yourself! 

Notwithstanding, not as numerous individuals appear to be as drawn toward being a decent supervisor. Perhaps I'm misreading the "environment", however the executives is frequently connected with the ordinary, the daily schedule and an entire scope of "left-mind" action for which the credit are not many. There seems, by all accounts, to be a discernment that one can be a pioneer or a supervisor, however very little affirmation that those ranges of abilities can live in a similar person. I accept this is an incorrect view. My perspective on authority and the board is that they do require distinctive ranges of abilities, however should exist together all together for any change to happen adequately. It's anything but a hand and a glove. Set up they make an incredible organization.

Why Leadership Is So Important To Your Business Success

In our cutthroat present reality, administration abilities are significant to any fruitful business. What is authority? Authority is normally used to allude to exercises like leading, directing, or coordinating individuals; starting movement. In any case, initiative is additionally used to allude to somebody who is a pioneer. How could initiative be applied from various perspectives and what establishes an innovator in these circumstances? The appropriate response is contained in the acknowledgment that maybe the most major quality of administration, and subsequently of pioneers, is close to home authority. 

A few people are conceived pioneers while others need to obtain the ability and ability to effectively make their imprint as a pioneer. Clearly a few people have the certainty and the moxy to make themselves good examples for others to follow. These people don't need a lot of direction in supporting their innate ability. 

Be that as it may, there are scores of others for whom creating initiative characteristics is critical to their prosperity. Initiative ability preparing is of gigantic importance in the current day corporate world. Authority expertise preparing is granted to concerned people to assist them with inferring the most extreme advantage taking everything into account. 

On occasion it's anything but exceptionally simple for new pioneers to change their job from a supporter of a pioneer. Initiative ability preparing enables a person to have confidence in others and furthermore helps him in using his time productively with others by prepping individuals with the guide of direction, help, and preparing. 

These abilities might be hard to secure, so the switchover to the situation with authority can be exceptionally requesting and now and again incomprehensible without powerful direction and help. 

What is close to home administration? It is simply the capacity to lead others and toward the path you need your life to take. The capacity to characterize what you truly desire and how you will arrive is the initial phase in creating authority. It is just the start since individual initiative signifies "driving", "coordinating", and "making a move". It implies living every day without limit. It implies creating objectives that you need so gravely that you live every day with excited vigor for your objectives, yourself, and all who are near you. Understanding what you deeply desire; understanding what achievement is to you; understanding what your objectives are; realizing that you will accomplish those objectives paying little heed to other's opinion, say, or do, is the quintessence of individual administration. 

Individual initiative additionally signifies "responsibility". It implies that you have chosen to utilize the gifts that are special to you and will foster them further to arrive at your objectives. It implies that you understand that you can possibly grow further. It implies that you have decided the course of your fate—you are a mind-blowing expert. Initiative preparing likewise helps pioneers who have the inborn ability in them to propel their capacity and feeling of judgment to change themselves into heads of extraordinary notoriety.

Simple Leadership Basics

An incredible haze of language, discussion, and garbage hypothesis encompasses the possibility of authority, what it is, who does it, and how to do it well. In any case, on the off chance that you have quite recently been advanced, and you're answerable for a gathering interestingly, there are a couple of things you truly need to think about authority. 

At the point when you get advanced and get answerable for the exhibition of a gathering you become a pioneer. Be that as it may, you don't go through some enchanted change. Truth be told, it will presumably take you longer than a year to totally acclimate to your new job. You're a pioneer in light of the fact that individuals in your gathering deal with you like one. The solitary decision you have is the thing that sort of occupation you'll do. 

At the point when you become a pioneer your force really goes down. As an individual supporter, you simply need to choose to work more earnestly, longer or more intelligent to improve execution. At the point when you're liable for the presentation of a gathering, the gathering is your fate. They pick if to act. 

At the point when you become a pioneer, your impact goes up. Individuals who work for you focus on what you say and do. They change their conduct likewise. 

The outcome is that you utilize your conduct (what you say and do) to impact the conduct of individuals who work for you to accomplish a characterized objective. Accomplishing the goal is an aspect of your responsibilities as a pioneer. The other part is really focusing on your kin. 

It could be feasible to accomplish great transient outcomes without really focusing on your kin. Be that as it may, you can't make long haul progress for you or your organization without the willing participation of the best people you can discover. 

Toward the day's end, you can quantify your authority dependent on those two guidelines. Did we achieve the mission? Are the individuals from my gathering good today than yesterday? 

You can discover more pretty much the entirety of this and gain it easily from my book, Execution Talk: The One-on-One Piece of Authority.

Change Leads To Power

Change requires power. Any kind of change is a formidable challenge for most people. Yet the Lord asks us to change from our old ways and do things His way. Not an easy task! “Put off … the old man, … and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and… put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” (Eph. 4:22-24) “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Rom. 12:2)

In your daily world, especially in this hectic instant access global culture where technology changes by the minute and you have to be adapting constantly, change is inevitable. You are being pulled in diverse directions and the older you get the less elastic you become. You get in the habit of doing things a certain way and become less tolerant to external demands to alter our lifestyle. Modifying learned responses to habitual routine tasks often causes stress and anxiety, especially in older persons.

However, when the Lord requires you to change your lifestyle, He not only gives you the power to do so, but the result is a much more powerful you! Some people say they love the Lord but refuse to make a commitment because they’re just not “ready” yet! If only they realized that with the Lord everything goes smoothly, peacefully, and painlessly! Yes! Really!

First of all, it’s your love for Him that prompts you to make adjustments. Secondly, He has given you the Holy Spirit to be your comforter, counselor and help. (John 14:26). All you need to do is lay your life before Him and ask Him to fashion you into a precious vessel for His use. You cannot change on your own. He is the potter, you are the clay. The clay just lies there as a lifeless lump on the potter’s wheel while the master twists and turns it until it is just right. All that is required of you is a willingness to want to be like Him.

The more readily you give yourself fully to Him the more instant the transformation. It all starts in your mind. Once you align your thoughts with those of Christ and understand His Word and His ways, then all the old habits and mindsets fall by the wayside. Suddenly they don’t seem so important any more. When you were in the world your mind, alienated from God through ignorance and blindness, prompted you to do things your own way. Once you know the Truth, you will want to put off all the vices and let your mind be washed by the Word.

Besides the Holy Spirit, the Lord also knows that you need tangible support here on earth. That is why He has established you, who has been called out of the world, into His Body, the church. There He has provided leadership and support “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ; till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ!” (Eph. 4; 12-13)

I pray, with Paul, that you will be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may come to comprehend His Love and be filled with all the fullness of God! He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to His Power that works in us! (Eph. 3:16-20)

Leadership Why Successful People Aren't Always Successful Leaders

Numerous individuals expect to be that on the off chance that somebody is effective it is on the grounds that they have great initiative abilities. A few group expect that if a business is fruitful it is on the grounds that it has great pioneers. Administration isn't something that is especially simple to give to others. At times an organization is effective on the grounds that a previous pioneer was exceptionally talented as a pioneer and the current chief basically has kept things running equivalent to previously. 

Incredible authority is an uncommon expertise. For the vast majority it doesn't easily fall into place. It is astounding the number of associations are effective despite the fact that they have just insignificantly equipped individuals driving them. Ordinarily this is on the grounds that the construction of the association assists make with increasing for a pioneers deficiencies. At times it's anything but an especially capable staff that compensates for the pioneers inadequacies. 

Any initiative advancement preparing should consider a portion of the essential realities, which should be made accessible to the individual worried for fostering his administration expertise and methods. The preparation or program should satisfactorily manage consultations on initiative, and not limit the comprehension of the term to its restricted sense. Any reference to ordinary pigeonhole authority ought to be evaded. The preparation should likewise join a thorough comprehension of administration temperance as relevant to singular prerequisites, and feature the unobtrusive contrasts among initiative and the executives. 

The program ought to likewise consider the demeanor of individuals towards the individual characteristics of the pioneer. It is basic that administration improvement preparing ought to be obviously organized corresponding to the progression of the people worried, rather than searching for qualities in close to home characteristics. 

While extraordinary authority abilities can make somebody fruitful, the backwards isn't correct. Being effective doesn't make you a decent pioneer. On the off chance that you are searching for pioneers to gain from ensure you are searching for individuals who really have great initiative abilities and not simply somebody who is effective. You can't expect that somebody is a decent pioneer since they have had achievement. Ordinarily individuals attempt to copy individuals who have had achievement and attempt to follow their administration styles. While this may be something worth being thankful for individuals frequently wind up emulating the negative quirks of people. 

The authority improvement preparing additionally attempts to clarify that that aggregate prerequisites are of more prominent significance than singular necessities. Administration improvement preparing attempts to foster the nature of a person to see a dream and investigate the future, and foster his desires and goals. 

One essential excellence that such preparing stresses is that potential chiefs ought to have the ability to perceive how subtleties fit into the higher perspective. Such preparing additionally focuses on the need to have the mentality that assists one with review things according to the perspective of others, and furthermore ready to appreciate in the appropriate way the most reasonable methodology towards them.

Leadership Talent Winning The Succession Wars

 The interest for authority ability extraordinarily surpasses supply. On the off chance that monetary development proceeds at a humble 2 percent for the following 15 years, there would be a requirement for 33% more senior pioneers than there are today. Who will supplant your resigning chiefs, and how might you stay with yours initiative pipeline full? 

The interest for administration ability significantly surpasses supply. On the off chance that financial development proceeds at a humble 2 percent for the following 15 years, there would be a requirement for 33% more senior pioneers than there are today. 

People born after WW2 have effectively begun to resign. Most enormous organizations should scramble to meet holes in senior initiative ability. Who will supplant your resigning chiefs, and how might you stay with yours initiative pipeline full? 

To exacerbate the situation, the worldwide and more powerful economy of the 21st century requires chief ability with a more perplexing range of abilities: 

* More noteworthy innovative proficiency 

* A modern comprehension of worldwide commercial centers 

* Multicultural familiarity 

* Relationship smart, with broad organizations of collusions and partners 

* Authority abilities over a delayered, disaggregated and virtual association 

Progression Arranging in the 21st Century 

Because of these difficulties, associations have a recharged interest in progression arranging frameworks. While these frameworks worked only as substitution diagrams previously, and were HR leaders' capacity, there are two basic contrasts today, stressing: 

1. Authority improvement at all levels (not simply senior leaders) 

2. Duty and contribution for initiative advancement inside the work bunch, with the individual's supervisor and colleagues (and not, at this point a HR work) 

Particular Authority Levels 

Most advancement models neglect to consider administration prerequisites at all levels. As an individual is elevated from line supervisor to business chief to useful administrator, abilities and prerequisites change. 

Organizations erroneously center around authority characteristics, styles and specialized capability. They submit a significant blunder while advancing effective people without recognizing required range of abilities contrasts at various degrees of initiative duties. 

The Initiative Pipeline 

Recruiting skilled individuals bodes well as a strategy, yet not a methodology. Organizations need to construct pioneers, not get them. Examination and experience show that potential isn't fixed. 

The more individuals accomplish, the more they learn. Their eagerness to handle new difficulties increments. To gain by potential, organizations should characterize the genuine work prerequisites at each key initiative level. Progression arranging frameworks should explain what's expected to make an effective change starting with one layer of administration obligation then onto the next. 

Progression Intending to Fill the Pipeline 

The accompanying five-venture plan will work with progression arranging: 

1. Tailor an authority pipeline model to accommodate your association's progression needs. 

2. Explain guidelines for execution and potential, in your own language. 

3. Report and impart these principles all through the association. 

4. Assess progression up-and-comers through a joined potential-execution network. 

5. Survey plans and progress of the whole pipeline often and genuinely.

Six Important Managerial Skills For Leadership

A sign of a decent pioneer is to give consistent inspiration to his group to keep a greatness and quality in outcomes. A decent pioneer is continually searching for approaches to improve creation and norms. Here are six abilities you can create in attempting to accomplish quality in the group. 

1. Perception 

This is a significant viewpoint that frequently gets ignored due the requests on a pioneer's time and timetable. Perception and standard visits to the workplace should be booked into the schedule. Noticing representatives work systems and the work process is central to executing changes in accordance with improve results. To have believability, a pioneer should be seen and be known to be fully informed regarding what's going on in the work place. 

2. Screen Worker Execution 

Worker execution should be observed in commonly acknowledged manners. Strategies and techniques should be clear. Conferencing ought to be consistently and not exactly when there is an issue. Appraisals and assessments ought not be just all convention or desk work to be finished. Individual and gathering conferencing ought to be attempted with the assumption for on going proficient turn of events. There ought to be continuous consolation and clear measures for on going objectives both for the gathering and person. 

3. Execution of Expert Advancement Projects 

A decent pioneer assesses shortcomings and gives preparing and improvement procedures to reinforce the more fragile abilities in the group. 

4. Exhibits Working Information and Skill 

Great authority comes from a position of solid information and experience of the creation and cycle prompting results. In the event that a pioneer doesn't forces all the mastery and information actually he should then hold standard counsels with specialists. This is significant to keep an exact and educated by and large picture. 

5. Great Dynamic 

Great initiative is described by the capacity to use sound judgment. A pioneer thinks about every one of the various components prior to settling on a choice. A reasonable choice makes trust in the administration. 

6. Capacity to Lead and Assess Exploration 

On going survey and examination is indispensable to keep on the bleeding edge in business. While dealing with the present to guarantee on going greatness in execution and item, a decent pioneer is likewise ready to look towards what's to come. Directing and assessing research is a significant method of preparation and being ready for what's to come. 

Amazing authority is in every case genius dynamic as opposed to responsive. By fostering these six administrative abilities a decent pioneer is on the excursion to turning into an extraordinary pioneer.

Leadership Development

Authority, what is it and what is the distinction between being a supervisor and being a pioneer?. Meanings of authority, there is certifiably not a solitary definition that everybody concurs on. Manfred Kets de Vries, a teacher at INSEAD, says that administration is a bunch of qualities, standards of conduct, character credits that makes certain people more powerful in accomplishing a put forward objective or objective. 

Another method of portraying administration is to say that, to get the best out of individuals, people, groups, associations, they should be driven, directed, convinced, persuaded, enlivened, to be submitted, to give a valiant effort, to cooperate to accomplish a typical target. This, as opposed to the unadulterated administration approach of being told, coordinated, requested, and treated as subordinates. 

Genuine pioneers are perceived just like the pioneer, and their adherents acknowledge that they should be directed by that pioneer, yet they don't feel that they are simple subordinates. A genuine model is the skipper of a games group – hockey, baseball, netball, cricket, soccer, football, games – these are people who have an individual task to carry out, yet figure out time and approaches to propel and urge others to put forth a valiant effort, to utilize their own individual abilities, information and experience (scoring objectives, safeguarding, dominating races, hitting grand slams) while simultaneously cooperating as an individual from the group to accomplish group goals. 

There are alternate methods of characterizing authority, administrators perform exchanges, and pioneers achieve changes. 

The conditional administrator impacts others by engaging personal responsibility, basically through the trading of remunerations and administrations. The connection between this sort of supervisor and the devotee is viewed as a progression of levelheaded trades that empower each to arrive at their own objectives. Value-based directors supply every one of the thoughts and use awards as their essential wellspring of force. Supporters conform to the pioneer when it's to their greatest advantage – the relationship proceeds as long as the award is attractive to the devotee, and both the chief and the adherent consider the to be as a method of accomplishing their own finishes. 

The groundbreaking chief rouses supporters to proceed true to form, however to surpass assumptions – groundbreaking pioneers persuade devotees to work for objectives that go past quick personal circumstance, where what is correct and acceptable gets significant – these pioneers change the necessities, qualities, inclinations and goals of adherents. They do this so the interests of the more extensive gathering replaces the personal responsibility of people inside that gathering. 

It's intriguing that exploration has shown that the manner in which ladies pioneers portray how they act, lead, is in accordance with the groundbreaking style, though most male pioneers while depicting themselves use words and expressions that portray the conditional style. There are exemptions obviously, and in certain circumstances the pioneer can by saw distinctively by various gatherings. Numerous individuals in the UK would not portray Margaret Thatcher as groundbreaking in style, yet more probable they would utilize words, for example, tyrannical, overbearing, trampling adversaries, yet others, in her nearby group for instance, depict her as charming, persuasive, motivational, kind, strong. 

We can see from this gander at Administration that there are various methods of portraying what a pioneer does, and how, at any rate somely, this is distinctive to how a chief acts. People perceived as pioneers makes clearly there are incredible contrasts in the manner by which certain pioneers act. On a superficial level there are extraordinary contrasts between the initiative style of PM Thatcher, and that of the Indian industrialist Rajiv Bajaj. However both are broadly recognized as profoundly fruitful pioneers. The normal factor, it appears, is that all can convince others to follow them, to make progress in their specific field. They all have something that unites assorted individuals, to function collectively, to focus on and strive to accomplish a typical goal. It's anything but, an extraordinary ability, or trademark, or character quality, or situation that they end up in, or maybe a mix of these. Maybe pioneers are brought into the world with this capacity, maybe something can be, or must be, learned.

Leadership Is Action Not Position

Individuals react to great authority! Enough said! It is in all parts of our lives, not simply business. A mother is an innovator in her home; a child might be head of a group activity or a girl the head of the discussion group. A gathering depends on the individual in control to really lead them to progress. A genuine pioneer is exceptionally moral, legit and regarded. 

In our general public we have pioneers and devotees. Is it accurate to say that we are brought into the world to either? No! Would you be able to sharpen your initiative abilities? Totally! 

The pioneers that I respect appear to have these set up: 

a) They plan for an impressive future! They don't set up a roof. All things being equal, no restriction is set with regards to how enormous or how much better something can be. 

b) The objectives are solidly set up and the eye doesn't fall off of it. 

c) They spread the word about for all elaborate the eventual outcome that they are for the most part going for, instance, in the event that you sell gadgets, it takes x number of gadgets to be wealthy, or you need to dominate that football match and at last the title. Understand what you're going for. 

d) They can get consistence to orders. 

e) When objectives are met they put forward new objectives or increase present expectations. 

Individuals will take cues from you readily in the event that you are straightforward, moral, in the event that you are steady and approach them with deference. Compensating somebody when a task is all around done is constantly valued. A decent pioneer will likewise off load somebody who reliably upsets the gathering who is simply not a cooperative person. You can improve your own dignity and become a motivation to other people.

The Best Managers Are Leaders Too

 The gentleman next to me on the plane struck up a conversation with me while we were flying home from a management-leadership event I taught for a company in Phoenix. During our conversation, I asked him if his boss is a good manager, and he replied, "Yes, he is." I then asked him if his boss is a good leader, and he answered, "No, he isn't."

Thousands of American managers and supervisors are not perceived as strong leaders according to a recent survey by the marketing information company TSN. As a result, large numbers of employees are non-engaged. According to the survey. 

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 New dawn in the unlock time trying for the best out put still feel there is a niche which is uncovered. Business are unlocking but seeing for the opportunities, we are here in giving solutions and making drive towards success.

The Dawn for the new era of Marketing


The Dawn for the new era of Marketing

The world is a economic place where in we are always seeing for the profit of the life in many a ways and we have seen many a kinds of marketing mediums till now from the traditional marketing which started from the barter system to selling for monies, as every product which is created needs a push as for the recognition in the market place. And this generation is seeing the new era of marketing without sweat, without person in contact etc we can sell the product, right what you read is right this is the era of Digital Marketing and hope this will make you confident how to place your product.

Go through the blog with little interest and passion and you will understand the concept very perfectly. It is not that easy but with perfect mentor to guide and perfect mix of elements this will be the most powerful tool.

The concept should be understood with the rules and the clear mindset of the goal what we want to achieve, instead what others are doing.

As for this as an example if I want to make 100 potential customers for my Agency in a span of 100 days then my job is to be on the following:

·         Who are my customers?

·         What is the best I can give? The resource what I have

·         What is the demography?

·         What could be the budget I can quote?

·         What’s my dedication towards the business?

And when we have these rules charted and are in place then we can go achieve the goal of 100 customers in the desired period.

Frontier the Law of Marketing which is the key factor for something to go success, as told the concept Marketing is the mother of invention of the business, as this can be treated as Science as this has many formulas which lead to the success and failure of the product. {Firstly the 4 P’s Product, Place, Promotion and Price} which will decide the existence of the product in the market.

Here we can take the example of Digital Deepak who runs a Digital Marketing Company where he do all that is related to the Digital Marketing – Training, Educating, Mentoring, Business Generation to his clients and apart business generation to his company. As the product he has created he started the marketing in the right direction and in the right time to the right person to the maximum, which in turn made his company a successful one in the Indian market.

Usually he do not sell the product for monies his interest is to keep the customers on his radar and serve them for all the time of the business, which in turn he has identified the niche markets where others have felt no much will happen – eg. Digital Vidya in 2015 was successful and they felt that they are doing in a right way but to the later period they have forgot the fundamentals of Marketing so they started to loss the clients and today they are no comparison to Digital Deepak as he emerged as the successful leader. Digital Deepak made his customers happy, understood what they want and he delivered that. He has built the brand in the market and now he has more task than the past still he concentrates on the product along side of the marketing.

As a instance to the Law of Marketing – He started the intern for Digital Marketing and in the 1st few batches he has saw a rough patches and with that he has re written a proposal which is monies back for the program and that has started showing a positive impression in the candidates as well as the company brand wagon has gone high.

Building the strong brand in the market will all deals with the mix of the 4 P’s which I have mentioned earlier, else people always strive to be on the top of the product category, which is all welcome but the product should also be competitive enough to be on the top. Firstly, we have to choose the category in which we want to be, then the right mix will make the brand stronger. Strong brands do not require a huge marketing promotion.

As always people remember the brand not the origin company, for instance in cooker ware we still say Prestige and in toothpaste we say Colgate, etc.

We should always try to create the strong brand presence where in people remember that for ever.

As part of the all Communication plays a vital role in the all sought of lifes, we feel as if communication means a proper grammar language which is basically not communication is a flow of information in the entire system where in all the persons related should understand that with ease.

A picture containing fruit, device, game

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The above we have discussed some of the points which are related to business and now the real world of Economics which is Global economics we have to understand the better to have a better result. Economy will make use understand what where and who to deal with the product placement and promotion along with the price, the law of demand is the factor which we have to keep in mind to have better company economics, if we as an entrepreneur we have to have the knowledge on these things so as we can be prepared in making it successful .

A picture containing blue, holding, person

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As the above picture shows the graphic impression of the product trend and we have to see from where to where we have to go by using the responsive marketing wherein to get the best results, a responsive marketing is a key player where in the entrepreneur has to understand what is the yield his advertisements are giving or they are doing a disaster.

Eg. When Hutch has put Pug dog in the advertisement there was a emotional touch for the viewers, and when Vodafone has taken over they want to withdraw the Pug Dog from the advertisement so they have done it but the people has not accepted that advertisement so by force they have to get it back for some time on advertisement. This is a one of the successful responsive advertisement we can say.

There are many a type like Direct Calling, Television Advertisement, Radio, Newspaper, Billboards, and now Digital Marketing. Even we have many medium, but we must check what is the call for action do are we receiving for the advertisement we are doing. This will show the result on the sales graph.

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Now we the real catch is CATT [ Content – Attention – Trust – Transaction]

Talking on this it plays a key role in the building the marketing business for any organization wherein the results are considered the best way is to understand the product and prepare the apt content wherein the communication for the product is clearly communicated to the targeted people, grabbing the attention of them in driving towards the product and then after the building the attention it’s time to create the Trust in a personal way so as the target customer should not feel that he is been targeted in general and when the trust has been in place then automatically it turn into transaction.

Eg. Digital Deepak has created a content in such a way that the people whom he want to target has got the personal emails form his desk, informing about the latest on the products and training part, which has drawn attraction to join the webnair, then after joining the webnair then the target people have got trust on the content and the knowledge what he has and they have made transaction to join the internship. A study / Research on what is to be created plays a vital role in the getting successful.

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After this the Integrated Digital Marketing tool to be used for the upliftment of the product along side the personal brand building. We as the agency should have the clear concept in defining the right marketing mix usually people see on the budget and act, but that is wrong in many a cases, the right integration marketing mix leads to a successful placement of the product.

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When as an agency we have defined the right mix in promoting the product and in taking care of the personal brand building it is always the brand people will remember not the origin of the company, usually first come first serve basis we co say.

A close up of a mans face

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Busing personal brand is the key in all of its kind, the talent, in placing the product in right market with right time and more passion towards the product will make it a good heard one in the market and in the NEWS.

This is all what I learned from Week 2, still more refinery on the subject on writing the blog is required as part of my first attempt I am doing hoping in future will make more good content writing than this.


Special thanks to Digital Deepak and his team on creating this sought of platform and make us work for a cause.


Venkata Sirish Kumar Kaza





This journey in digital marketing with Deepak is making some insight on the ground folds which I have learned earlier. The insight what he has told about the following is the law of marketing. In which the grand rules and mindset of the class which included with the law of marketing, as told by you that the Management is a science which I also accept, and from there the rules of the marketing, communication is the vital part which was evident in the lesson, and with the global economics and markets which we had the insight India 1 2 3 with that the traditional vs digital marketing in which you have given the ration of the marketing strength of the mediums, and also the market direct response where the advt vs the turn out was explained as the CATT is the key factor for the source of doing marketing which was explained very well. The need of the Integrated marketing efforts which was explained by the diagram was very well understood. Over all this is the experience i had from Week 2


Getting Things Done: Trigger List

The following is an “Incompletion Triggers” list to assist you in evaluating your current commitments. This list has been taken from Getting Things Done.


  • Projects started, not completed
  • Projects that need to be started
  • Commitments/promises to others
    • Boss/partners
    • Colleagues
    • Subordinates
    • Other people in organization
    • “Outside” people
      • Customers
      • Other organizations
      • Professionals
  • Communications to make/get
    • Internal/External
      • Initiate or respond to:
        • Phone calls
        • Voice-mail
        • E-mail
        • Pages
        • Faxes
        • Letters
        • Memos
  • Other writing to finish/submit
    • Reports
    • Evaluations/reviews
    • Proposals
    • Articles
    • Promotional materials
    • Manuals/instructions
    • Rewrites and edits
  • Meetings that need to be set/requested
  • Who needs to know about what decisions?
  • Significant read/review
  • Financial
    • Cash flow
    • Statistics
    • Budgets
    • Forecasts/projections
    • Balance sheet
    • Credit line
  • Planning/organizing
    • Formal planning (goals, targets, objectives)
    • Current projects (next stages)
    • Upcoming projects
    • Business/marketing plans
    • Organizational initiatives
    • Upcoming events
    • Meetings
    • Presentations
    • Organizational structuring
    • ,Changes in facilities
    • Installation of new systems/equipment
    • Travel
  • Banks
    • Receivables
    • Payables
    • Petty cash
  • Administration
    • Legal issues
    • Insurance
    • Personnel
    • Policies/procedures
  • Customers
    • Internal
    • External
  • Marketing
  • Promotion
  • Sales
    • Customer service
  • Systems
    • Phones
    • Computers
    • Office equipment
    • Other equipment
    • Utilities
    • Filing
    • Storage
      • Inventories
  • Supplies
  • Office/site
    • Office organization
    • Furniture
    • Decorations
  • Waiting for…
    • Information
    • Delegated tasks/projects
    • Completions critical to projects
    • Replies to:
      • Letters
      • Memos
      • Calls
      • Proposals
      • Requistions
      • Reimbursements
      • Petty cash
      • Insurance
      • Ordered items
      • Items being repaired
      • Tickets
      • Decisions of others
  • Professional development
    • Training/seminars
    • Things to learn
    • Things to look up
    • Skills to practice/learn
    • Tape/video training
    • Resumes
  • Outside education
  • Research–need to find out about…
  • Professional wardrobe



  • Projects started, not completed
  • Projects that need to be started
  • Commitments/promises to others
    • Spouse
    • Children
    • Family
    • Friends
    • Professionals
    • Borrowed items
  • Projects: other organizations
    • Service
    • Civic
    • Volunteer
  • Communications to make/get
    • Family
    • Friends
    • Professional
    • Initiate or respond to:
      • Phone calls
      • Letters
      • Cards
  • Upcoming events
    • Special occasions
    • Birthdays
    • Anniversaries
    • Weddings
    • Graduations
    • Holidays
    • Travel
    • Weekend trips
    • Vacations
    • Social events
    • Cultural events
    • Sporting events
  • R&D–things to do
    • Places to go
    • People to meet/invite
    • Local attractions
  • Administration
    • Financial
      • Bills
      • Banks
      • Investments
      • Loans
      • Taxes
    • Insurance
    • Legal affairs
    • Filing
  • Waiting for…
    • Mail order
    • Repair
    • Reimbursements
    • Loaned items
    • Medical data
    • RSVPs
  • Home/household
    • Landlords
    • Property ownership
      • Legal
      • Real estate
      • Zoning
      • Taxes
      • Builders/contractors
    • Heating/air-conditioning
    • Plumbing
    • Electricity
    • Roofing
    • Landscape
    • Driveway
    • Walls/floors/ceilings
    • Decoration
    • Furniture
    • Utilities
    • Appliances
    • Lightbulbs/wiring
    • Kitchen things
    • Washer/dryer/vacuum
    • Areas to organize/clean
    • VCR/DVD
    • Music/CDs/tapes
    • Cameras/film
    • Phones
    • Answering machine
    • Sports equipment
    • Closets/clothes
    • Garage/storage
    • Vehicle repair/maintenance
    • Tools
    • Luggage
  • Computers
    • Software
    • Hardware
    • Connections
    • CD-ROM
    • E-mail/Internet
  • Health care
    • Doctors
    • Dentists
    • Specialists
  • Hobbies
    • Books/records/tapes/disks
  • Errands
    • Hardware store
    • Drugstore
    • Market
    • Cleaner
    • Stationer
  • Community
    • Neighbourhood
    • Schools
    • Local government
  • Civic issues

 The new Dawn the new beginning has began a few years back and with the go getter attitude the new emerging Digital Personality is Sirish Kaza, with hands on Traditional Marketing experience and now migrated to the new world of Digital Marketing and made a wave and is moving forward in to a new horizon which he is creating. Lets all congratulate him on his success. 

Digital Marketing

Hi, my people, I am now into Digital Marketing Agency wherein we are specialized in Content Creation, Video Advertisement, SEO, and right time posting the content. For more information can call me on 9885307909 or mail me on

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