
The Dawn for the new era of Marketing


The Dawn for the new era of Marketing

The world is a economic place where in we are always seeing for the profit of the life in many a ways and we have seen many a kinds of marketing mediums till now from the traditional marketing which started from the barter system to selling for monies, as every product which is created needs a push as for the recognition in the market place. And this generation is seeing the new era of marketing without sweat, without person in contact etc we can sell the product, right what you read is right this is the era of Digital Marketing and hope this will make you confident how to place your product.

Go through the blog with little interest and passion and you will understand the concept very perfectly. It is not that easy but with perfect mentor to guide and perfect mix of elements this will be the most powerful tool.

The concept should be understood with the rules and the clear mindset of the goal what we want to achieve, instead what others are doing.

As for this as an example if I want to make 100 potential customers for my Agency in a span of 100 days then my job is to be on the following:

·         Who are my customers?

·         What is the best I can give? The resource what I have

·         What is the demography?

·         What could be the budget I can quote?

·         What’s my dedication towards the business?

And when we have these rules charted and are in place then we can go achieve the goal of 100 customers in the desired period.

Frontier the Law of Marketing which is the key factor for something to go success, as told the concept Marketing is the mother of invention of the business, as this can be treated as Science as this has many formulas which lead to the success and failure of the product. {Firstly the 4 P’s Product, Place, Promotion and Price} which will decide the existence of the product in the market.

Here we can take the example of Digital Deepak who runs a Digital Marketing Company where he do all that is related to the Digital Marketing – Training, Educating, Mentoring, Business Generation to his clients and apart business generation to his company. As the product he has created he started the marketing in the right direction and in the right time to the right person to the maximum, which in turn made his company a successful one in the Indian market.

Usually he do not sell the product for monies his interest is to keep the customers on his radar and serve them for all the time of the business, which in turn he has identified the niche markets where others have felt no much will happen – eg. Digital Vidya in 2015 was successful and they felt that they are doing in a right way but to the later period they have forgot the fundamentals of Marketing so they started to loss the clients and today they are no comparison to Digital Deepak as he emerged as the successful leader. Digital Deepak made his customers happy, understood what they want and he delivered that. He has built the brand in the market and now he has more task than the past still he concentrates on the product along side of the marketing.

As a instance to the Law of Marketing – He started the intern for Digital Marketing and in the 1st few batches he has saw a rough patches and with that he has re written a proposal which is monies back for the program and that has started showing a positive impression in the candidates as well as the company brand wagon has gone high.

Building the strong brand in the market will all deals with the mix of the 4 P’s which I have mentioned earlier, else people always strive to be on the top of the product category, which is all welcome but the product should also be competitive enough to be on the top. Firstly, we have to choose the category in which we want to be, then the right mix will make the brand stronger. Strong brands do not require a huge marketing promotion.

As always people remember the brand not the origin company, for instance in cooker ware we still say Prestige and in toothpaste we say Colgate, etc.

We should always try to create the strong brand presence where in people remember that for ever.

As part of the all Communication plays a vital role in the all sought of lifes, we feel as if communication means a proper grammar language which is basically not communication is a flow of information in the entire system where in all the persons related should understand that with ease.

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The above we have discussed some of the points which are related to business and now the real world of Economics which is Global economics we have to understand the better to have a better result. Economy will make use understand what where and who to deal with the product placement and promotion along with the price, the law of demand is the factor which we have to keep in mind to have better company economics, if we as an entrepreneur we have to have the knowledge on these things so as we can be prepared in making it successful .

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As the above picture shows the graphic impression of the product trend and we have to see from where to where we have to go by using the responsive marketing wherein to get the best results, a responsive marketing is a key player where in the entrepreneur has to understand what is the yield his advertisements are giving or they are doing a disaster.

Eg. When Hutch has put Pug dog in the advertisement there was a emotional touch for the viewers, and when Vodafone has taken over they want to withdraw the Pug Dog from the advertisement so they have done it but the people has not accepted that advertisement so by force they have to get it back for some time on advertisement. This is a one of the successful responsive advertisement we can say.

There are many a type like Direct Calling, Television Advertisement, Radio, Newspaper, Billboards, and now Digital Marketing. Even we have many medium, but we must check what is the call for action do are we receiving for the advertisement we are doing. This will show the result on the sales graph.

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Now we the real catch is CATT [ Content – Attention – Trust – Transaction]

Talking on this it plays a key role in the building the marketing business for any organization wherein the results are considered the best way is to understand the product and prepare the apt content wherein the communication for the product is clearly communicated to the targeted people, grabbing the attention of them in driving towards the product and then after the building the attention it’s time to create the Trust in a personal way so as the target customer should not feel that he is been targeted in general and when the trust has been in place then automatically it turn into transaction.

Eg. Digital Deepak has created a content in such a way that the people whom he want to target has got the personal emails form his desk, informing about the latest on the products and training part, which has drawn attraction to join the webnair, then after joining the webnair then the target people have got trust on the content and the knowledge what he has and they have made transaction to join the internship. A study / Research on what is to be created plays a vital role in the getting successful.

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After this the Integrated Digital Marketing tool to be used for the upliftment of the product along side the personal brand building. We as the agency should have the clear concept in defining the right marketing mix usually people see on the budget and act, but that is wrong in many a cases, the right integration marketing mix leads to a successful placement of the product.

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When as an agency we have defined the right mix in promoting the product and in taking care of the personal brand building it is always the brand people will remember not the origin of the company, usually first come first serve basis we co say.

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Busing personal brand is the key in all of its kind, the talent, in placing the product in right market with right time and more passion towards the product will make it a good heard one in the market and in the NEWS.

This is all what I learned from Week 2, still more refinery on the subject on writing the blog is required as part of my first attempt I am doing hoping in future will make more good content writing than this.


Special thanks to Digital Deepak and his team on creating this sought of platform and make us work for a cause.


Venkata Sirish Kumar Kaza




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